RibForm™ Sheet Metal combines supreme strength and adaptability with easy handling and installation. This practical and versatile solution is ideal for roofing and walling applications. The profile of these products blend perfectly with contemporary homes, traditional homes, industrial buildings, rural sheds, and domestic fencing applications.
These products are made from high-tensile steel for the ultimate in strength, durability, and impact resistance. This product is available in a variety of lengths and has a non-syphoning side lap to reduce the risk of moisture transfer between sheets. Corrugated sheet metal or RibForm™ Sheet Metal products are available in unpainted zinc and are also sold in an attractive range of pre-painted colours.
- CorroForm™ Corrugated metal
- RibForm™ Corrugated metal
- Extreme™ and Archetype C Purlins™
- TopForm™ Top Hats and FormBatten™ Roof and Ceiling battens